On October 17, 2010, I am a 6 pound ball of blonde fluff. Watch me grow!


Home Sweet Home, Here I Come!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Happy Birthday, Dear Annie!

Dear Annie,
Mom says it's your birthday.
She adopted you a year ago today. I really love you--I could eat you up!

Thank you for sharing your toys.

Thank you for letting me clean your ears. And thanks for cleaning mine from time to time. You've taught me a lot, like how to walk on a leash and go straight into my crate when Mom's heading out.

I love driving you crazy.Thank you for being patient with me most of the time.

You are the best big furry sister a puppy could have, even if you're smaller than me.When you are around, my world is complete. You are my security blanket.

I love you!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Leash Is My Friend

October 2010

October 2010

October 2010


Today...  But what do you mean, we're going the wrong way?

I'll follow you anywhere, Annie. Today, tomorrow, always.
Mom is getting smarter by the day. No doubt about it.

Today we woke up and, before I knew it, I found myself at the end of a leash, side by side with Annie, who was also at the end of a leash. We were heading down the driveway to the front yard to do our business.

Did I tell you I've not been a big fan of the leash?

Have I told you I am terrified of the front yard?

This morning I had no choice. And I forgot that I don't like the leash and that the front yard and the street with big zooming cars and pick up trucks is scary. But it was dark and quiet and safe at 5:30 in the morning.

I did my business, and Annie did her business, and then we came in for breakfast.

But I had to go out again (of course) and Mom put me on the leash again. We went without Annie. It's a wet morning, and Mom says she likes it better when she can keep me out of the mud. Annie does not like wet grass. Or mud.

Our Christmas lights had come on while we were inside having breakfast. Mom thinks we should enjoy the lights as much as possible because the Christmas season is just too short. It was still quiet and peaceful and raining a little bit. And, well, I think I liked being out there in the front yard on a leash. Mom said we put up white Christmas lights to remind us of snow. I haven't seen snow, but Mom says I'd love it--I've got the right coat for it. Annie wears a funny little jacket when it's cold and rainy. She's such a prissy girl. Apparently not all miniature schnauzers are like that.

I'm a--well--we watched Dogs 101 the other night and now we think I'm an Australian CATTLE Dog, not an Aussie Shepherd. Maybe they're the same thing. Who knows. Anyway, I'm good, I'm cute, and I love my family. Does anything else matter?

So if Mom wants me to walk on a leash, I'll get used to the leash. She promises me big adventures... and she keeps her promises!

Stay warm!
Love ya!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

It's Awfully Quiet around Here Now

A week ago we were one really big, fabulousy happy family. A mom, a dad, three girls, three boys, three dogs. It was amazing. We put up the Christmas tree...
We played a lot.
We shared food and drinks...
But then everybody left. Well, not everybody. Mom's here, Dad's here, PJ and Annie are here, but it's not the same. I knew I had to go in search of fun...

Me, get into trouble? Sure you've got the right dog?
It's just a hole! I was digging my way to Austin to find Ellie! I miss Ellie! Annie's a terrific sister, of course, but she doesn't want to wrestle non-stop. Ellie! Come back!

It's a lot of work digging a hole. Annie never thought of digging a hole until I showed her how. Mom said "Nooooo! No more holes!" (We'll see about that.) Anyhow, a nap was just what we needed after all that work. Okay, who am I kidding? I did all the work. I needed the nap.

Mom says we were just lying there so sweetly (and innocently, snort, snort, snort) that she couldn't resist taking another picture or two...


What's up with the furry red hats? I like the ball on the end, but okay, okay, I'll pose! Annie too!

 I hope your December is lots of fun. I'll share more "tails" this week if Mom lets me get on the computer more often. She says she's kinda busy. She's been playing with big rolls of red and green paper and hiding things in closets, and she says Jenny's getting married in thirteen days too. I don't get it! What's "married?" and why aren't dogs invited? I protest!

But I love ya!