On October 17, 2010, I am a 6 pound ball of blonde fluff. Watch me grow!


Home Sweet Home, Here I Come!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Grandmarazzi in Austin!

 Hi, everybody! I'm Ellie, and that's my mama Kristen. We live in Austin. I'm Layla's sister, and you can see, we don't look a lot alike. In fact, I'm not sure we look anything alike. We think she's the runt of our litter. I'm a middle child, but I'm not sure if I'm older middle or younger middle since there were seven of us. Our big brother Rocky is probably the oldest and a giant by now. He was my size a month ago.

Grandma came to visit this weekend and she sure does take a lot of pictures. Snap! Snap! Snap!

I told her I don't  hold still for pictures. But she didn't listen and tried to take one anyway.

Yeah, that blur is me! Cool!
Then, when Grandma told me that Layla asked her to ask me if I'd guest blog this week, I realized a good blog post needs some seriously good pictures.

I figure you'd like to see how big and strong I am for my age. Grandma says my legs are lots longer than Layla's and my paws are lots bigger too.

So I decided I should pose after all. And aren't I gorgeous if I do say so myself? Sorry about the blurry tail. I just can't hold my tail still. It's a real wagger.
BTW, I love love love sitting on the bed. While Mama was in the shower, Grandma said it was okay just this one time--for a photo or twenty. Good thing Dad wasn't around, huh?
I think this is Grandma's best shot ever. Layla and Annie would probably disagree. After a little practice, I got pretty good at the posing for pictures thing. Just call me "Diva."

Well, I'll see you at Thanksgiving time when we go over the river and through the woods to Grandma's house--and I get to blog again. Yeah! Road trip! Can't wait to see Layla and Annie!

Waggingly yours,


  1. Ellie, we'll have to keep working on formatting...

  2. Do I have the cutest puppy or what!?

  3. (with Layla narrating, of course)
    Kristen, what about me? What about me? What about me? I mean, my big sis Ellie is cute, I agree, but you haven't spent much time with furry little me!
    Love ya with wiggles and squeaks,
