On October 17, 2010, I am a 6 pound ball of blonde fluff. Watch me grow!


Home Sweet Home, Here I Come!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thanksgiving? It's a Puppy Reunion! Dog Party!

It's all a blur. We got back from Chicago, Mom and Dad and PJ picked Annie and me up at the kennel, and then my birth sister Ellie and her human mom and dad (Kristen and Ryan) arrived for Thanksgiving.
I recognized my birth sister Ellie right away! 

Our family is very close. You recognize Annie (in front, because she's the Queen.) That's Ellie with the worried look. She's not really worried, she's got premature wrinkles. And that's me, always trying to get my nose into everything. You can always identify me by the white ring around my nose like my Mama Kelle's.
At first I thought I'd be in charge--I mean, after Annie. But when Ellie and I play, I'm always on the bottom. She's longer, and I'm stockier. I let her think she's winning when we rumble. (Shhhh.) Annie was happy to watch. I think I'm a bit hyper for her and playing with Ellie gave her a break.

Mom was happy when things were quiet for a minute, but we only look like we were sleeping. We were just gathering energy for the next round of puppy craziness. It pretty much happened all weekend. And it was a long weekend.

Annie was good about letting Ellie and I catch up. Ellie and I had a lot to talk about. She's surprised that I'm not shy and quiet and hiding anymore. I told her Mom says I've come out of my shell. Of course, Ellie said, "You don't have a shell. You're not a turtle. Or a crab." So, okay, I don't know what Mom means. Ellie hasn't changed a bit, in my opinion. Except we're both bigger.

Mom bought Ellie a smaller crate just like Annie and mine for Christmas and gave it to her for Thanksgiving. We're pretty sure she'll outgrow it, but you never know. Ellie hasn't warmed up to the whole crate idea yet. Annie and I love love love our crates. Great napping happens there even when Mom and Dad and PJ are home. Can you see there are three crates in a row? Awesome. With a great view of the big screen TV, too!

Ellie loves to give kisses. Annie wasn't so sure about the whole kissing thing.
Ellie has spots on her tongue!
She does not have monster eyes. She does have a great smile, like me!

See? I don't have spots on my tongue!

Ellie wanted kisses. I gave her kisses--and a few nips!

See? I really don't have spots on my tongue!
Well, I'm out of time and space. There are more pictures. You know my mom. I think she only took about a thousand. She's ridiculous.

On Saturday the family decorated the Christmas tree and Ellie and Annie and I just watched. So far I've only touched one ornament, and Mom said they aren't for me. I'll blog about the reunion some more tomorrow. I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving! Can't wait for Christmas!

Love ya!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. meant " enjoying" I will continue to read another day...what cuties!!!!
