On October 17, 2010, I am a 6 pound ball of blonde fluff. Watch me grow!


Home Sweet Home, Here I Come!

Friday, November 19, 2010

What Kind of Dog Am I? The Mystery Continues.

Okay, so I am told I am an Australian Shepherd/Lab mix. I look like my Mama Kelle in most ways. I wonder if the mix thing is like a cake mix? (Mom would never feed me cake, but it sounds good.)

Daddy left Mama Kelle pregnant and alone. She gave birth to me and my six siblings under a picnic table at the West Greens Road ExxonMobil office in Houston. Smart move! Who doesn't love adorable puppies?
My siblings and I all look different. All seven of us! In true mutt form, I am proud to say.

According to the books and websites, Australian Shepherds often give birth to seven puppies. But it seems that many Australian Shepherds have very short air. That's not true for Mama. I like to think she's a mutt too! She might have some yellow lab in her.

Mama Kelle

My sister Ellie and her mom (Kristen) and my mom (The Mom) and I have been wondering about Daddy. Mama Kelle's lips are sealed.

Ellie's vet suggested Daddy might be a Chow Chow. Hmmm. Had to look that one up. (Thanks, Mom!)

Chow chow... my legs do look Chow Chow. My face looks a little Chow Chow. Not squished however. (But it might explain Ellie's face!) My tail definitely resembles a Chow Chow's tail and NOT Mama Kelle's. My tail's got the curl! So the mystery continues...

Well, I'll be taking a blogging break until Tuesday or Wednesday. Annie and I have our appointments with our wonderful vet Dr. Gunn today, and then we're boarding. I don't know what boarding means, but Mom took my favorite comfy seat and put it in a big bag along with a bunch of ziplocked bags of Puppy Chow and a blanket. She put my name on everything. Methinks I'm going on a trip. Annie says wait and see. 

By the way, not too excited about the rabies shot today... but I guess it's good for me, huh? I trust Mom and Dr. Gunn.

Love ya!
PS I tried to upload a video of me running around the backyard and it didn't work. Maybe next time. The learning curve is high on this blogging thing. :)

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Gunn doesn't think Layla has a Chow attitude. Today Layla weighed in at twelve pounds, and Annie at thirteen. Dr. Gunn says Annie's perfect weight is ten and a half pounds! (Why did I think it was twelve and a half??? It's been almost a year since we talked about it, but I'm almost certain... Oh well, Annie is going on a diet when she gets home from boarding. In as much as she likes to be carried around, I like the idea of lighter! We'll target twelve pounds for now... :) Layla didn't get her rabies shot today. She'll get it next month.
