On October 17, 2010, I am a 6 pound ball of blonde fluff. Watch me grow!


Home Sweet Home, Here I Come!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Words of Wisdom from Annie, the World Explorer

Annie, The World Explorer (right)
Layla, The Sly Dog/Perfect Puppy/Total Suck-Up (left)

Hey, kids! Annie, here! It's Thursday and my turn to blog. Today I've got a helpful hint: Do not sneak out under the gate while Mom's standing in the yard. I guess I had to give it a try, right?

It probably didn't help when I didn't obey the commands "Come," "Sit" or "Home." Heck, I pretended I didn't hear Mom shouting my name.

I'm awfully surprised she didn't capture the whole thing with her trusty camera. But then, she probably didn't have it handy. She was just stepping out of the shower when Layla and I told her we urgently needed to go outside and do our business.

Maybe my helpful hint should be: Do not sneak out under the gate and run across the street and down the block when Mom is wearing only her bathrobe. 

I won't do it again. Schnauzer promise.


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