On October 17, 2010, I am a 6 pound ball of blonde fluff. Watch me grow!


Home Sweet Home, Here I Come!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Guest blogger today! Annie takes a turn.

My life has been turned upside down by a new puppy. Her name is Layla, and she looks awfully sweet, doesn't she? I have to admit, I was skeptical. Her nails are awfully sharp and she whimpers from time to time, but she's turning out to be a pretty cool little sister. Don't tell her I said that--I'm trying to keep her on her toes. She's got way more energy than me, but she's scared of stuff like lawn mowers and cars. And they thought I was a whimp when it comes to storms. (And, Mom, I know it hasn't rained for over a month, but I keep telling you, get some of those puppy pads for the kitchen. I might be able to hold it for eighteen hours, but Layla won't.) I still can't believe it's Day Five and Layla hasn't made one mistake in the house. Talk about trying to show me up. Here's the thing, she's not as fast as me and doesn't have free reign of the house like me.   

We had a pretty good game of Tug of War going the other night. Yeah, that's me, the miniature schnauzer. Annie Bowden's the name, in case you don't know! And that's a paper towel roller Layla and I are playing with. I'm really not a Tug of War girl, so I let Layla drag me across the kitchen floor while I was trying out her bed. Mom and Dad were highly entertained, but they're big dorks. I keep stealing Layla's stuff, thinking I'll get away with it. But you know my mom, right? She never misses a thing. You can't get away with anything in this house! 
So, what's up with getting up at 3:30 am to piddle? I don't understand why anyone would get up and go out in the middle of the night, but Mom and Layla are up and out almost like clock work. Layla told me they party out there in the dark, but I don't believe it. But today, I decided it might be true. Layla was still wiped out when Mom and I got up at our old usual 5:30am (a decent time) and she slept in. That gave me the perfect chance for time alone with Mom. A trip to the front yard, a little reading and coffee. (Oh, no coffee for me. I tried it last week and burned my tongue.)
I probably shouldn't be telling you this, so shhhh. Mom's been taking naps after breakfast. I'm just saying... 

Layla's a fast learner. She's mastered "go get it" and "give." She knows "home" means the back door when we're outside. She's okay on a leash, too; cause I taught her how. Except she doesn't want to go away from the house. She doesn't like the front yard. And she's shy. (Mom tells me I was shy, but I sure don't remember being shy. Sometimes Dad says I talk too much to the neighbors.) Anyhow, when we're out on our leashes, Layla and I love to race back to the house, and that's a riot. Especially when Mom gets tangled in our leashes. We don't do it on purpose. Well, yeah, maybe we do. 

I'll blog again next week and keep you posted on how Mom and Layla are doing. 
Loving howls,
Annie (The Big Sister)   

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