On October 17, 2010, I am a 6 pound ball of blonde fluff. Watch me grow!


Home Sweet Home, Here I Come!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

How This Blog Got Its Name

A picture of Layla's tail should go right here, but blogger says no photo posting today.  Sorry! :( 
Once upon a time there was a beautiful golden Australian Shepherd Lab Mix, who's name was Kelle. Kelle had been been fooling around with another dog, my daddy, and they'd had unprotected sex. The result was me and my six siblings on, or about, August 13, 2010. We were born under a picnic table at the West Greens Road ExxonMobil office building in north Houston, Texas. I heard it was no easy task getting Mama and us out from under the table. It took cracking cement. It took a skinny woman climbing in to pull us out.

A picture of Kelle should go right here.

Rescue Dog Lady Extraordinaire--Elizabeth--took us her ranch in Waller County, Texas, a good long drive from Greenspoint where we were found. With our photos pinned to bulletin boards, one by one, people claimed us. My adopted daddy said he knew right away when my adopted mommy saw MY picture, that she'd fall in love with me forever. Daddy's pretty darn smart. I love them both!

When Mommy and Daddy drove out to the ranch to meet me, my siblings ate Mommy's shoelaces while I posed for pictures. I'd been pretty sick with hook worms and my poor little tail and back paws were missing some fur. Not everyone falls in love with a puppy who looks like she needs a little work. But not everyone is my new mommy and daddy. (xoxo)

A photo of me and my tail two weeks ago and a photo of my tail now should go right here. Blogger, com' on! 

I surprised them. Just two weeks later, this past Sunday, when they picked me up, my fur was already coming in quite well. I am, as they keep telling me, absolutely beautiful. Okay, I'm bragging, but it's true.

My human sister Kristen and her husband Ryan and his mom came to see us while I was still at the ranch and liked Nicki, who's name will become Ellie on Friday... I'll get to introduce Ellie to Annie at Thanksgiving. Turkey lurky! It'll be a DOG PARTY!!!!!

Okay, so Annie taught me how to walk on a leash this week. Yesterday she told me a bath in the kitchen sink wouldn't be a big deal bad, and she lied big time. I thought Mom was gonna drown me. I still haven't make a mistake in the house--but the kitchen and Mom were drenched with tap water. There are no pictures of this horrible event, but I swear, it's true.

My big sis Annie is my new hero. She's quite stunning for a miniature schnauzer. She's not blonde, of course, but Annie is a trim twelve pounds and dark gray with a black stripe down her back. Other dogs would pay to get that done to their fur. Very cool. Annie hasn't figured it out yet, but soon she'll be the little older sister. Our oldest human sister Kristen is the runt of the human side of our family. Dr. Gunn, our vet, says there's no telling how big I'll be. I'm gonna surprise you! I won't be a runt for long!

Okay, Mom says she needs to get back to work at the computer. She's writing a novel or something. I hope it tastes good.

Have a Woofing Wednesday! Hopefully I can post photos tomorrow!
Love ya!
Waggin' my almost furry tail--

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